Octavia is a Cosmic Activator

and Planet Medicine Guide.

A Visionary Astrological Advocate

and key holder of wisdom,

guiding you from restriction to expansion

on your path of evolution.

She is not here

for the purpose of external validation.

She holds a mirror of illumination

to discover your own sovereign relation

to your soul and its constellations.

Initiating you into connection

and co-creation with the cosmos,

to find stability in chaos, and liberation.

To understand that you, as a speck in the universe,

have a unique purpose and there is a map to this…

Strip away your illusions and greet your shadows.

Let Octavia show you the light in the darkness

by turning your head to the night’s sky.

Formed from a decade of intimate exploration

and thousands of hours of inquisitive, self-initiated research,

Octavia has a unique and personal relationship with astrology

and how she uses it to understand and interpret her life experiences.

Through this transmission of embodied wisdom,

she empowers others to discover their own

through her intention-led journeys and intuitive sessions.


My journey is one of finding sovereignty and freedom within external structures and systems.

My up-bringing in a conservative region of the US conditioned me to believe

there were parts of my human experience that were inherently wrong and forbidden.

I had no reference point for how to lead my life through my own internal guidance system.

Even as I struggled to access my authentic self-expression,

I maintained a generative curiosity toward what possibilities could await

on the other side of the challenges I encountered.

I moved through many initiatory experiences including rejection, condemnation, natural disasters

and health conditions, all of which have become my greatest sources of wisdom.

Each experience deepened my desire to find agency within my perceived suffering,

to then pave my own way.

Zooming out from my individual existence and anchoring perspectives into the physical

has woven through my lifein many ways.

I studied fine art and attuned my alchemical abilities as a working artist

through welding and cast metal sculpture

and had the good fortune of selling my work to collectors.

Further sacred inquiries then led me to discover avenues of empowerment through ancient practices,

systems, and methodologies that have stood the test of time.

I’ve since gained over 1000 hours of Yoga Teacher Training,

taught in studios and becomea Reiki Level 1 & 2 Practitioner.

The ending of a relationship, which included moving to the other side of the world,

further awakened me to my path with astrology.

This connection gifted me the insight to move from victimhood to empowerment

and navigate life with grace and reverence toward my karmic path of evolution.

I experienced the next catalytic phase in my journey in 2020.

Throughout the pandemic, I grew to understand how in times of great disconnection on Earth,

astrology serves as a unifying system between the planets and the collective human experience,

and is one I am called to share.

Now my art is crafted through my lived experience,

as I respond to the multi-dimensional understandings I discover and receive.

Just like you who is reading this and arrived on my page,

I’m dedicated to my path of healing and awakening my highest soul expression.

I spend my days in devotion to my connection practices

and sharing my cosmic insights I uncover in my research

through my podcast and YouTube channel.

My first clients came to me through passionate conversations

and I’ve since expanded my visionary philosophy and embodied approach to astrology

through 1:1 in-person and online client sessions.

I’m certified as a Feminine Frequency Formula practitioner with The Wildgrace Movement,

which supports my innate ability for shamanic journeying and space-holding.

I continue to hold my finger on the pulse of my evolution as a transmitter of astrological codes,

constantly updating my wisdom through my daily inquiries.

Now my medicine is to support you

to uncover your unique relationship to your life path through astrology,

in whatever way is true for you.


My intention is to redefine how we use the system of astrology in our lives.

I believe astrology forms a personal relationship, and one that is empowering.

As we reshape our entire approach to how we connect,

our relationship to astrology must evolve as well.

What we can understand through astrology and how it can be utilised is limitless.

Personally, I gravitate toward researching the natal charts of countries (yes, these are a thing),

to better understand global events by locating patterns in particular transits

and how these influences manifest in the world.

Astrology can support us to intuitively prepare

for what energetics may come our way on a personal and collective level

and find more alignment and flow in our lives -

in the same way as we pay attention to the weather,

with strategic awareness and openness to unpredictability.

I want to see the ancient system of astrology reintegrated into society

as part of how we create innovation, advance technology and document history.

In my 1-1 sessions, I work with client’s individual intentions

and let this guide how I read their chart and transits.

Through this, I give them the tools to find their own planet wisdom

and utilise the system in their lives moving forward.

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